Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thirty-Eight Weeks Plus Three

Dear Alice,

You've finally started making your first tentative steps towards mobility! You moved two paces on your knees the other night in Aidan's bedroom to get to me and then several paces more at Anna's when I picked you up after work last night. You still mostly just roll and scoot to try to get around, but this was totally new for you. It's exciting to see you growing and learning new things. I didn't realize how gross our floors are though. I'll have to start taking better care of making sure the floors stay swept and mopping once a week. I'm not as worried by the germs. I just hate the thought of you choking on something or getting absolutely filthy. Daddy and I are so proud of you.

Love, Mama

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thirty-Four Weeks Plus Four

Dear Alice,

Last week you had your first big illness. You've had a cold before but never an ear infection. Daddy and I felt so awful for how miserable you were feeling. It was obvious that you were in pain and couldn't breathe very well. You hardly slept either for three straight days. Your naps only lasted 20 minutes if we were lucky, and at night you'd only sleep for more than an hour if I held you in my arms. I didn't mind too much since I know one day you won't be able to sleep on my chest or want to be anywhere near me, but it still wasn't fun for any of us. I'm glad that you're finally feeling better and seem to be just as happy as you've always been.

Love, Mama

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Twenty-Nine Weeks Plus Two

Dear Alice,

Where has the time gone, sweet girl??? It seems like just a week or two ago, I was holding you in my arms at the hospital, and now I'm watching you scoot around on your belly and back trying to get to the toys. You're sitting up all by yourself now too! You've also tried bananas and carrots, neither of which you've seemed impressed by. You'll be seven months old in just one week, and I'm still so completely and totally surprised by what a fantastic baby you are. You're always so happy and rarely cry. You seem to love just watching Aidan or Daddy and me. You love Zelda and our new kitten. You even tried to put the kitten's head in your mouth which he did not appreciate. I love you so much, my precious baby.

Love, Mama

Monday, April 1, 2013

Twenty-three Weeks

Dear Alice,

You're learning to sit up now. You still can't do it unassisted, but you're so strong. I know you'll be doing it on your own in no time. I think you might be starting to teeth too. You drool so much that if we forget to put a bib on you, we have to change your clothes less than an hour after you've gotten dressed! It's ok though. You've got so many clothes that we could probably go an entire month without doing your laundry and still not run out of outfits. It's a little ridiculous, but it also means your clothing is in such good condition that I don't feel guilty giving it away for other little girls to wear.

You're still just as smiley and happy as you've always been. You chatter a lot more now than you ever did. You've also learned to blow bubbles (which doesn't help with the drooling). You're getting so big and learning so many new things! Please don't grow too quickly though. There's still plenty of time for that later.

Love, Mama

Friday, March 1, 2013

Eighteen Weeks Plus four

Dear Alice,

You're mobile! You learned to roll the day before Valentine's Day. You've only managed to go from your front to your back and only a couple of times, but that's a pretty big deal. Then just the other day you found your feet! Very soon you'll be sitting up and eating food on your own. And then you'll be running and talking and moving off to college.

Your favorite thing right now is smiling. I swear you've always got a smile on your face. You always look like someone told you a funny joke or like you're remembering a particularly funny incident. You also seem to enjoy watching Aidan play with his toys or reading his books or watching tv. Actually, you just seem to enjoy watching your big brother in general. Maybe he's the reason you smile so much.

Love, Mama

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sixteen Weeks

Dear Alice,

I missed the past few weeks because you haven't really done anything new. It seemed a bit silly to write about your smile and giggle yet again. But during this past week, you've begun showing an interest in rolling over! You only roll to your left so far and can only make it partially onto your side, but I'm sure in the next couple of weeks you'll be there. What's funny about this is you don't show any interest of trying to get off your belly. You only try to roll from your back!

You've also started trying to sit up when propped up on your Boppy pillow. You look like you're doing crunches to prepare for bikini season! I just can't get over how quickly you're growing. Every night when I'm holding you in my arms before bed, I marvel at how you still look like that tiny little newborn. I've been through this before, but it still blows me away every time I see your face. I love you.

Love, Mama

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thirteen Weeks

Dear Alice,

Happy three month birthday! About this time I really want to remember how laid back you are. I'm sure I'll need to be reminded that there was a time when you were very calm and chill. I'll look back on this and be so grateful at what an easy baby you were. Your brother wasn't a difficult baby, but he certainly wasn't as relaxed as you are. I also want to remember how happy you get when you see me. Your eyes light up, and you get the biggest, sweetest grin on your face. You're going to be just as much of a heart breaker as Aidan, and I love it!

Love, Mama

Monday, January 14, 2013

Twelve Weeks

Dear Alice,

Can it really already be twelve weeks since you were first placed in my arms? It's been such a whirlwind that I feel like I haven't been able to devote nearly as much time to you as I got to with your brother when he was as little as you are now. I try not to feel guilty about it since it's beyond my control, but I still sometimes feel bad that you don't get the undivided attention that you deserve.

Last week, you showed me how well you've learned to hold your head up. You're still not a big fan of tummy time, but every day we get a few more minutes out of you. Soon enough you'll be rolling around. Just don't grow up too quickly, ok?

Love, Mama

Monday, January 7, 2013

Eleven Weeks

Dear Alice,

Smiling must be your favorite because you spent all weekend doing nothing but smiling at me. I can't believe how quickly you seem to picking up on things! You were trying to copy faces I was making at you along with all of those smiles you were giving me. It made me laugh so much! You're growing so fast and beginning to have such a wonderful personality. Don't grow too quickly though, baby. We've got all the time in the world!

Love, Mama

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ten Weeks Plus three

Dear Alice,

Daddy and I finally heard you laugh! It was so sweet and a little raspy. I just couldn't believe how wonderful it would sound when we finally heard it. I can't wait for you to laugh as much and as often as Aidan does. I want our home to always be filled with the sound of laughter.

You've now officially missed your two month check up twice. There have been some issues with getting you adding to our insurance that we thought was finally cleared up, but when Daddy took you this morning for your appointment, you still hadn't been added. Hopefully after today, it'll all be sorted out, and we can finally see how much you've grown since your two week check up.

Love, Mama